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Entra TRIPLE H!!!!!

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Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! Empty Entra TRIPLE H!!!!!

Mensaje  manu Sáb Abr 25, 2009 3:25 am

Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TitantronEntra TRIPLE H!!!!! TitantronEntra TRIPLE H!!!!! Titantron
Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! Titantron Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! Titantron
Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! Titantron

*Empieza a sonar la musica de HHH*

*Comienzan a presentarlo*

Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! 2pr90flEntra TRIPLE H!!!!! 2pr90fl

From Greenwich Connecticut
with 206 pounds The Game...Triple H!
It's time to play the game.....
Time to Play The Game!!
Oh dios mio no puede ser es el juego ¡¡¡TRIPLE H!!!

*Triple H sale mientras la camara se le acerca*

Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleHEntra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH

*Se detiene mira al suelo*
Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH2Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH2
*Escupe el agua y comienza a bajar por la rampa*
Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH3Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH3
*Sige bajando por la rampa*
Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH4Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH4
It's all about the game, and how you play it
All about control, and if you can take it
All about your debt, and if you can pay it
It's all about pain, and who's gonna make it
I am the game, you don't wanna play me
I am control, no way you can change me
I am heavy debts, no way you can pay me
I am the pain, and I know you can't take me

*Sige bajando y se detiene*
Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH5Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH5
*La camara gira alrededor de sus hombros*
Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH6Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH6
*Luego sige caminando y toma un poco de agua*
Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH7Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH7
*Se sujeta de las cuerdas y sube un costado del ring*
Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH8Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH8
*Mira para atras y luego observa la camara*
Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH9Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH9
Look over your shoulder, ready to run
Like a sleazy bitch from a smoking gun!
I am the game and I make the rules
So move on out and die like a fool
Try to figure out what my move's gonna be
Come on over, sucker, why don't you ask me?
Don't you forget there's a price you can pay
Cause I am the game and I wants to play
It's time to play the game

*Mira al piso y escupe agua*
Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH10Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH10
*Luego entra al ring*
Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH13Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH13
It's all about the game, and how you play it
It's all about control, and if you can take it
It's all about your debt, and if you can pay it
It's all about the pain, and who's gonna make it
I am the game, you don't wanna play me
I am control, there's no way you can shake me
I am your debt, and you know you can't pay me
I am your pain, and I know you can't take me
Play the game
*Se suve al esquinero*
Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH14Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH14
*Y levanta sus brazos mientras grita*
Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH15Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH15
You're gonna be the same
You're gonna change your name
You're gonna die in flames
It's time to play the game
It's time to play the game
It's time to play the game
*Luego se baja del esquienero*
Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH17Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! TripleH17
*coje el micro*
Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! 2h82re0Entra TRIPLE H!!!!! 2h82re0
Hola a todos de OWF soi TRIPLE H el juego solo vengo a decir que quiero algun campeonato como todo iluso pero el problema es que yo no soi un iluso soi el juego y voi a ganar el WHC champ o el WWE champ asi que Gm`s salgan alguno de los dos y digan si el verdadero juego puedo pelear por algun titulo

Mensajes Enviados : 11
Edad : 27
Fecha de inscripción : 24/04/2009

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